lunedì 17 giugno 2013

Sometimes a Dad has to do what a Dad has to do

and as funny as it may seem to some, it just might mean having a "man bag" to stash their stuff while out and about.  My kids, nieces and nephew always give me a little chuckle (because they are taught to be polite and not point) when my significant other pulls out his Italian leather bag and slips it over his head. 

But.  It is probably one of those things they will only truly understand when they are older.  I know my reasoning is solid, if he doesn't use his messenger bag it only means that I will be carrying an extra 2 pounds of stuff in my Italian leather handbag. And he knows that stuffing bulky objects in his pant and jacket pockets destroy his elegant Italian silhouette.

So, laugh I say - we'll see who has the last laugh when you are 30 years old :-)

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